Sunday, 10 August 2008

research part one

Conversation inspiration. goodbysilverstein are a company I have recenetly stumbled across, their work mixes both traditional stop motion animation with computer graphics this is a direction I feel I am moving towards.

"The Experiment" by The Action Cats from Yoo Wonsuc on Vimeo.

Stop-motion experiments and source footage from Yoo Wonsuc on Vimeo.

This scene from fight club is also part of my inspiration especially the bit where edward Norton's character flashes off to these bright colored escapist moments and the definitions in the dictionary.

cant find a clip on the net, but their is this scene in virgin suicides where the girls flip through catalogues dreaming of places they can escape too.This can be incorporated into the work.

These guys did it with field trips, i think I can apply this to travel magazines. I just need to get some footage of the sea and different places Ive been :)

Tidepool from impactist on Vimeo.

Also I recently watched Slacker the whole film is one giant conversation, I really like the rhythm of the film.

waking life is also quite similar

one further is the mind bending scanner darkly

Kyle cooper's main tittles have always been a fruitful source of inspiration for my animations, his mixture of physical and digital animation is something I greatly steer towards.

I have been looking at allot of main title directors for this project as the one shot tracking camera is something I am heavily considering for the animation.

Danny Yount wo has also worked with kyle cooper produces motion graphics and makes me realize i haven't even slightly tapped into the medium.

mK12 is the super star of the motion graphics movement they are about to create bon 22's tittle sequence and its understandable why. Their use of info-graphics was what made stranger than fiction really work for me. I really want to try to start integrating more info graphics into my work.

Quite a different approach to the research is my obsession with 1940's horror and upon watching a documentary on james whale it was intriguing to learn his lighting methods for his films was to have a direct light and one that crosses it diagonally creating unnatural but harsh lighting also something I plan to experiment with.

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