Tuesday, 2 December 2008

feed back and overview.

ive been updating my website mostly about the events now. The animation screened at BAF which Andy and co documented

AYUP Anim Lab @ BAF!08

i also posted it to vimeo, where over 25,000 people have viewed it.

A conversation from Matt Saunders on Vimeo.

It feaatured on cartoon brew who said "A Conversation is a piece combining stop-motion and digital compositing that was created by student Matt Saunders. It shows lots of creativity and promise" which means so much to me they are a great industry blog.

Psst! pass it on also blogged about my video, they were one of the major influnces for the creation, so thanks to those guys. They had this to say..."Matt sent this in to PSST! to say thank you for the inspiration and that this was “heavily inspired by the narrative of psstpassiton.” Cool! It’s really nice to hear stuff like that. And it’s a very cool short film. Nice work, Matt."

Another blog 'no fat clips' has also asked to put my work up , he did a really nice break down of my work..

A festival In LA have also asked me to send some work in so touch wood with at.

David Mack an another major influence on the pice ( see back up work) said "It looks beautiful!"

Wyldstallyons also commented on my animation giving me some helpfull feed back "I like it! The only nit-pick I can think of is that the pink circles around the 15 sec mark have no motion blur. Nice one."

I think thats all the feed back I can fit in for now.

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